Our Network
- Member Benefits
- CoP - Community of Practice
- SME - Subject-matter expert
- Dr. Aliaa Dakroury
- Amanda Koyama
- Angelika Neuenhofen
- Dr. Annalee Coakley, MD
- Dr. Ann Curry-Stevens
- Bianca Briciu
- Dr. Bukola Salami
- Catherine Baxter
- Cindy Dawson
- Damilola Iduye
- Dr. Edward Cruz
- Dr. Esther Ajiboye, PhD
- Eunice Eunhee Jang
- Dr. Hassan Vatanparast, PhD, MD
- Dr. Inge Schabort
- Jennifer Lopez
- Joan Atlin
- Joyce Kristjansson
- Kristen Winter
- Leah Woolner, MSW, RSW
- Lisa Jane de Gara
- Dr. Lori Wilkinson
- Dr. Michaël Séguin
- Michaela Hynie, PhD
- Mohja Alia
- Nancy Clark, RN, PhD
- Noni MacDonald, MD, MSc, FRCPC
- Dr. Rajesh Shukla
- Rama Musharbash-Kovacsi
- Dr. Sarah Funnell, MD
- Setarah Ghahari, BSc, MSc, PhD
- Dr. Shafi Bhuiyan, PhD, MBBS, MPH, MBA
- Sherman Chan
- Tamara Mosher-Kuczer
- Dr. Tanvir Turin Chowdhury
- Dr. Tanya Lentz
- Dr. Virginia Lane, RD, PhD
- Dr. Zubin Austin
- Frequently Asked Questions
Our Tools
- Access to Interpretation Template Letter
- Afghan Resettlement Toolkit
- Community of Practice Guidebook
- Data Snapshots
- IEHP Toolkit for Health Care Employers
- IEN Recommendations Report
- ITP Recommendations Report
- Interpretation - Position Paper
- Mobile App
- N4 Surveys
- Navigating Ontario Health System Toolkit
- Report on the Licensure of IEHPs
- Resource Library
- School Enrolment Template Letter
- Strategy to Eliminate TB
- Ukraine Evacuee Toolkit
IEHP Resource Hub
- Pathway to Licensure for IENs
- Pathways to Licensure for ITPs/IMGs
- Navigation Services
- Federal/Provincial/Territorial Initiatives
- Mentorship Programs
- Bridging Programs
- Financial Supports
- IEHP-Led Organizations
- Settlement Services
- Non-Clinical Supports
- Employment Information
- SPU Online Program
- Impact Stories
- RSS News Feed
- Newsletter
- Conversation Café
- Reports
- Events Calendar
- eLearning Library
- Resource Library
- CoP Working Groups
- Employer Toolkit
- Employer Checklist
- Employer Series
- Contact
- Data Snapshots
- Refugee Family Size, Refugee Education, Food Insecurity
- Countries of Graduation of Various Health Care Professions in Canada
- Selected Health Indicators Among Immigrants in Canada
- Comparative Economic Data about Various Immigrant Groups
- Sports Participation and Free Time Among Newcomers
- Immigrant Participation in Elections, Housing Suitability and Need
- Self-Reported Crime Victimization Statistics, and Perceptions of Police by Racialized Groups
- Social, Educational, and Economic Participation of Immigrant Women
- Issues Facing Youth in Canada: Socio-economic Obstacles and Unpaid Caregiving
- Newcomer Health Equity: Children and Youth, Vaccination, Mental Health
- Coming and going: where do travellers enter Canada, and why do immigrants leave?
- National Immigration Figures: A 2021-2023 Overview
- Expressions of social inclusion for immigrants and visible minorities
- Canada’s racialized population, multigenerational poverty
- Internationally-educated health professionals and healthcare job vacancies in Canada
- Labour force characteristics of immigrants, January – June 2023
- Temporary foreign worker positions over time, citizenship and study permit holders
- Population and Language Data from 2021 Census
- Key Arrival Data: Operation Ukrainian Safe Haven
- COVID-19 Precautions and the Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health of Individuals
- Admissions of Afghan refugees: exploring the #WelcomeAfghans Commitment
- Evaluation of Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS) Program
- Backlog of Immigration Applications
- Data on LGBTQ+ Immigration
- Temporary Foreign Worker Positions, Unemployment rate, COVID-19 deaths among immigrants
- Economic outcomes of taxfiling immigrants, Admissions by Category, Admission of PR by Country
- Refugee Admission, Refugees by Countries, Aboriginal Peoples in Canada, Same Sex Couples
- New Immigrants, Vaccine Satisfaction, Mental Health, Rent Price
- COVID-19 mortality rates, Poverty Dashboard, Demographic Estimates
- Primary care, Labour force during COVID-19, LTC
- Canadian population, COVID-19, Demographics
- COVID-19, Canadian population, Top 5 languages, Labour force
- Results of N4’s 2021 Member Survey
- N4 Surveys