Internationally Trained Physician (ITP)
Ottawa, ON | Country of origin: Egypt
"It was pleasure joining the N4/SPU IEHP program. Thank you so much for this wonderful program which helps streamlining the IEHPs understanding of the Canadian healthcare system and culture. In addition, I think it was a great opportunity to making IEHP feel valued and heard. My experience was gratifying. I enjoyed listening to the amazing lead learners, access to multiple wonderful resources as well as meeting other IEHPs at different licensing stages from coast to coast to coast. Personally, I am like many other ITPs who can’t get into the system due to recency of practice. Introducing clinical integration compartment would significantly help fostering IEHP into the Canadian health care system. I recommended the program to other IEHPs and they are looking forward to joining this wonderful program. I am hopeful that N4 would consider having Part II of the program that would facilitate clinical integration after the theoretical Part I. It would be a greatly appreciated to provide an equitable access to already qualified ITPs, as per Canadian standards demonstrated by LMCC to utilize their full potentials in serving Canadians."