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More and more newcomers are moving to Canada for various reasons. The 2016 Census showed over half of the total immigrants identified in the survey are economic immigrants. These newcomers move to Canada for work-related reasons, gaining permanent residency through providing their skills and talents as well as interest in investing in a life in Canada. This type of newcomer, although not always discussed, will also require guidance on a new life in a new world, including being introduced to a new healthcare system, education system, taxes, and many other new experiences.
Learning objectives
- What is Canada’s determination system in accepting newcomers.
- How the acceptance of an economic newcomer differ from temporary foreign workers, international students, and the various types of refugees and asylum seekers.
- The common difficulties faced by economic immigrants.
- How economic newcomers changed in terms of demographics and skills throughout history.
Newcomer-serving professionals in Health and Settlement sectors
About the speaker
Dr. Rupa Banerjee is Associate Professor of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviour at Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, and Canada Research Chair in Economic Inclusion of Immigrants. Her primary research interest lies in the employment integration of new immigrants to Canada. She is particularly interested in the institutional barriers facing new immigrants in the Canadian labour market. In addition, she is interested in workplace diversity and ethno-racial discrimination, particularly as it applies to second-generation immigrants. Dr. Banerjee’s research has appeared in such journals as International Migration Review, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Journal of International Migration and Integration, Journal of Labor Research and Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations.