In 2021, the Centre For Newcomers presented a five-year project called WRAPCAP. The initial design of the project was to build organizational capacity within sectors through implementation of the delivery model.
N4 has put together trusted resources to share the approaches and tools that have been developed to support not only newcomer youth, but the organizations that serve them and their families.
N4 Webinar
Youth Settlement in Action: How Sectors Can Build their Capacity to Support Newcomer Youth
CCHL members receive 0.5 MOC II credits for watching this webinar.
CPA members receive 1 Continuing Education credit for watching this webinar.
Kate McDougall, Regional Youth Liaison, WRAPCAP project, Centre for Newcomers
Carolee Israel Turner, Local and Regional Partnership Coordinator, WRAPCAP project, Centre for Newcomers
Meeting Place
Youth Settlement in Action: How Sectors Can Build their Capacity to Support Newcomer Youth Join the discussion!
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