Despite being targeted by recruitment campaigns, less than half of Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) who immigrate to Canada end up employed in their profession.
N4 has put together trusted resources highlighting best and promising practices to address the systemic barriers and inherent bias which are preventing IEN skills and experience from contributing to the capacity and sustainability of our healthcare system.
N4 Webinar
- Edward Cruz, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of Windsor
- Joyce Kristjansson, Executive Director, Association of Regulated Nurses of Manitoba
- Jennifer Lopez, Patient Care Coordinator, UHN-TGH / Registered Nurse, Unity Health Toronto
- Mariah Maddock, Partnership Development & Engagement Lead, National Newcomer Navigation Network (N4)
Meeting Place
Welcoming Internationally Educated Nurses into the Canadian Health Care Sector: Recommendations for Change Join the discussion!
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