As we grapple with a health human resource crisis, only 40% of nurses and physicians who immigrate to Canada are employed in their profession.
N4 has put together trusted resources to showcase the N4 IEHP Resource Hub; a one-stop shop of tools for IEHPs, employment counsellors, policy makers and healthcare employers that eliminate the barriers keeping IEHPs from working to their capacity within the healthcare workforce.
N4 Webinar
- Christine Kouri, Director, N4
- Sahar Zohni, Manager of Operations, Planning and Performance, N4
- Michelle Quinlan, Team Lead, Knowledge Generation and Mobilization, N4
- Catherine Penney, Quality Improvement Specialist, N4
Meeting Place
N4 IEHP Resource Hub: Tools and Resources to Support Optimal Employment of Internationally Educated Healthcare Professional Join the discussion!
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