Learn about the experiences of refugee claimant youth and their families with navigating healthcare in Canada.
N4 has put together trusted resources about the experiences of refugee claimant youth and how to improve their navigation of the Canadian healthcare system.
N4 Webinar
Empowering Refugee Claimant Youth to Navigate Healthcare in Canada
Royal College members receive 0.5 Continuing Education credits for watching this webinar. CPA members receive 1 Continuing Education credit for watching this webinar.
- Dr. Shazeen Suleman, Clinical Associate Professor, Stanford University
Resource Toolkit
▪ Download Webinar Audio: Empowering Refugee Claimant Youth to Navigate Healthcare in Canada
▪ Navigating the Ontario Healthcare System Toolkit
▪ Protecting refugees’ health: how is the reinstated interim federal health program working?
▪ Reducing Health Services for Refugees Through Reforms to the Interim Federal Health Program
Meeting Place
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