What labour laws exist to prevent exploitative temporary migrant workers practices?
Trusted resources and advice to help you identify and address issues that affect TMWs in Canada such as precarious employment, exploitative practices, and barriers to receiving healthcare:
N4 Webinar
The modern day dilemmas of temporary migrant workers
Speakers: Santiago Escobar, National Representative, UFCW Canada / Stephanie Mayell, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
Resource Toolkit
- Stakeholder Consultations on Mandatory Requirements for Employer-Provided Accommodations in the TFW Program
- The status of migrant farm workers in Canada, 2020
- Coronavirus: Canada stigmatizes, jeopardizes essential migrant workers
- Migrant farmworkers face heightened vulnerabilities during COVID-19
- Migrant Worker Health Project
- Access to Justice for Migrant Workers: Evaluating Legislative Effectiveness in Canada
- Do guest worker programs give firms too much power?
- Rethinking permanent skilled migration after the pandemic
- Safe at Work, Unsafe at Home: COVID-19 and Temporary Foreign Workers in Prince Edward Island
- Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada
Meeting Place
Share your thoughts – the Experience of Temporary Migrant Workers
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