Unless you are of Indigenous descent, your family settled in Canada. In honour of Canada Day, we would like to encourage everyone to reflect upon their family's immigration journey. Whether you are 1st, 2nd, 3rd or further generation immigrant, you have a personal history of being a newcomer. Knowing we have that shared settlement history with our newest and future Canadians can help us relate, have empathy for their journey and inspire us to provide support to that process, much like our ancestors received.
N4 is federally funded to provide you with the resources to optimize your skill in supporting newcomers to navigate our services and reduce barriers to an equitable experience. In the past 2 years of pan-Canadian stakeholder consultation, we've heard what skills and knowledge are needed. We partnered with organizations and subject matter experts to curate the best learning and resources, and where we couldn't find existing resources, we've reached out to experts to share their knowledge through webinars and our quarterly ethics case-based learning series.
Become a member (it's free!), and start searching. If you can't find what you're looking for, post in our Meeting Place. You have over 500 colleagues to consult. If they can't help, we at N4 will seek out an expert to help you. It's all about giving back to newcomers what we benefited from when we were new Canadians!