OCASI (Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants) is pleased to open registration for the Accessibility Initiative’s (AI) self-directed, online training course called Building Access and Equity for Im/Migrants and Refugees with In/Visible Disabilities.
Date of Course: 05/24/2022 to 07/08/2022
This seven-module, self-directed course aims to support im/migrant and refugee serving and disability sector practitioners working with newcomer communities to better understand the barriers and challenges im/migrants and refugees with in/visible disabilities experience, and to work towards creating welcoming, inclusive and accessible spaces for these service users.
Registration Deadline: Friday, May 20, 2022
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this 7-week course, you will be able to:
- Learn how to incorporate anti-racist, anti-oppressive, and disability justice frameworks into your settlement work
- Identify and confront overt and covert biases; including preconceived beliefs, stereotypes, as well as to work towards unlearning some Western assumptions about disability
- Examine the relationship between disability, race, colonialism, immigrant/refugee status, and other layers of marginalization
- Gain a greater understanding of the different legislation that exists internationally, nationally, provincially, and territorially as it relates to the rights of people with in/visible disabilities
- Become better aware of the requirements set out in the Accessible Canada Act, and what your organizations need to do to become accessible
- Gain a better understanding of the intersections of Gender-Based violence as it relates to women with in/visible disabilities
- Learn about best/good practices when working with im/migrants and refugees with in/visible disabilities
Criteria for Participation:
This course is open to settlement workers and service providers who are working in or with the im/migrant and refugee-serving sector across Canada, who are willing to:
- Commit to approximately 1-3 hours of learning per week
- Practice active participation throughout the course
- Engage in Accessibility Initiative’s (AI) Group in www.SettleNet.org, a national online Community of Practice for the Settlement Sector
- Complete assignments
At the successful completion of each level, you will receive a badge. Collect all 7, and you will have successfully completed the course and receive your certificate!
If you have any questions or for more information, please contact Joselynn Crosby at jcrosby@ocasi.org.
OCASI is committed to supporting the im/migrant and refugee serving sector to create welcoming, positive and inclusive spaces for all. This course will allow sector employees to acquire new skills and knowledge in service provision areas to best serve im/migrants and refugees with in/visible disabilities.
OCASI-AI online training is funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada