What are Allies in Accessibility?
Allies in Accessibility (AiA’s) are people who are passionate about advocating and working towards creating welcoming, accessible and affirming agencies that benefit im/migrant and refugees with in/visible disabilities and empower the community. This volunteer position recognizes the work that you are already doing in your community, gives you an opportunity to build your skills, contacts, and experience, and connects you with other people doing similar work across Canada.
What do AiA’s do?
AiA’s take on the role of building capacity and raising awareness of, for, and with im/migrants and refugees with in/visible disabilities online, over the course of a one year term. It's a flexible role that allows you to be both creative and ingenious with ways to engage your community, while simultaneously engaging a national, online Community of Practice, with lots of support from a dynamic team.
What Supports do AiA’s Receive?
AiA’s receive training, resources, and ongoing support from the Coordinators of the Accessibility Initiative (AI) at OCASI, throughout the year.
Who is Eligible to Apply?
OCASI is looking for 8-10 AiA’s (Anglophone & Francophone) from diverse regions across Canada. All are encouraged to apply, however, you must be at least 18 years old.
How Can I Apply?
The links to apply are below;
The application deadline is Friday, February 25th, 2022 at 5pm.
The AiA training will occur sometime in mid-March, 2022. A Doodle Poll will be sent to successful candidates in advance so that we can gauge availability for the training.
If you require this form in an alternative format or for more information, please contact access@ocasi.org
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