What’s everyone talking about? Well, grab your favorite beverage or snack and join us in the various discussions in our virtual Meeting Place
Members of the N4 platform are talking about topics such as:
Are newcomers aware of the vaccine?
How are they managing the overwhelming information and misinformation about COVID?
Some newcomers are afraid to take the vaccine because they do not fully understand its benefits or because of sociocultural beliefs. Others have been frightened off by antivaxxer misinformation such as the vaccine causes infertility or that it is a way for the government to insert tracking chips into people.
We are also talking about digital poverty – it is a term used to describe how, as we become more dependant on technology to function in society, people who don’t have access to technology, usually for financial reasons, suffer more severe disadvantages. Think about getting a job without an email or phone number, or accessing online resources. And we don’t really think about all the barriers people face due to lacking things we take for granted (this is especially relevant due to the pandemic trapping us all inside). While we can assume certain newcomers to Canada have some form of technology, what about refugees or other newcomers with financial difficulties? How difficult it is to navigate digitally if you don’t have a computer/laptop or fancy cell phone, or internet services.
We are also concerned about the anti-Asian racism that is surging due to the misinformation about the COVID-19 virus.
In addition to a pandemic, we are also in the midst of an infodemic! Many Canadians are confused by the vast amount of COVID information that is circulating, so imagine how newcomers, who face many sociocultural barriers to care, including language, may be equally as confused.
We would really like to hear your thoughts on these and other issues that interest you, so join us in our Meeting Place.