Message from AAISA, an N4 partner:
Dear colleagues,
The Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (AAISA) is seeking feedback to better understand the health of the settlement and integration sector from the perspective of front-line staff from agencies across the PNT (Prairies and Northern Territories) region.
Download: Regional Health of the Sector Project - Project Description, February 2021
This research project aims to understand the perspective of staff working within agencies in the newcomer-serving sector related to their employment experience, organizational strengths and challenges, as well as opportunities.
The survey will take approximately 20-25 minutes. Please endeavor to answer all questions and complete the survey by May 24, 2021.
Please encourage colleagues and other staff at your organization to fill out the survey. This will ensure the data collected allows for in-depth analysis and places AAISA in a more informed position to advocate on behalf of your needs.
If you require support while filling out the survey or if you have any questions, please contact A. Daniella Bagmeijer at
Thank you for taking the time to participate.