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Evolution of a successful newcomer clinic: The Halifax story
Posted on Monday, May 18, 2020 02:59 PM
All across Canada, newcomer serving organizations and their dedicated teams are helping newcomers to navigate the complex health and social services systems. Here are their stories.
See how Halifax’s newcomer clinic has evolved successfully through its relationship with settlement organization ISANS (Immigrant...
A word of welcome from N4's supporting partner, CHEO
Posted on Monday, May 18, 2020 11:52 AM
N4’s supporting partner, CHEO, welcomes you to the N4 platform and salutes everyone’s collective efforts in the COVID-19 pandemic.
A message of welcome and gratitude
Posted on Sunday, May 17, 2020 06:36 PM
Many of us might have experienced coming to Canada as an immigrant or refugee. The first years can be tough as you learn to adapt and then to integrate into society. In 2016, I came to CHEO and joined an amazing team who were working tirelessly to help newcomers. I found it disconcerting to hear the terrifying stories children and families went through on their perilous journey to arrive in Canada. Many of you who have been helping newcomers navigate through the complex health and settlement sectors...
A word of thanks from the N4 team
Posted on Friday, May 15, 2020 01:41 PM
On behalf of the entire N4 team, our hearts and thoughts go out to everyone around the world who has been impacted by COVID-19. When we first embarked on launching the N4 platform, the world was a different place, with no global pandemic on the horizon. Now, we are all monitoring the rapidly changing and unpredictable situation and we have implemented the necessary measures to do our part in mitigating the spread of this virus, including working remotely and using technology to maintain contact with...
Welcome to the N4 platform
Posted on Saturday, May 09, 2020 05:48 PM
As I write this welcome to the N4 Platform, I find myself reflecting on the path from its genesis to the present, it’s official launch. In 2015, when Canada began receiving the Syrian refugees, I was the Manager for Patient Experience at CHEO. I could hardly have imagined our experience establishing a Navigator role would grow to hosting a national network of like-minded individuals who believe in supporting an equitable experience for newcomers. Nor would I have dreamed of the incredible generosity...
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